Thursday, October 25, 2007

Do you need to "see" what Christ is?

I got this skit link from a dear friend's blog and found it so profound and affective that I wanted each of you to experience it. My friend is stronger than I, for I could not hold back my tears. Christ is amazing. Enjoy~

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Sticker Time!

Sometimes you just have to break out the stickers
and let the toddler decide on where to put them~

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Eternal Medicine

It is just past 3:00 a.m. and I was awaken by a pretty sharp pain in my jaw. Yesterday I had an unsuccessfully attempted procedure to eliminate some problems that stemmed from a recent wisdom teeth removal.

While I have another appointment to go under general anesthesia to complete the process, I am somewhat 'stuck' until then. So I am sure from time to time, this just might be the norm for me: waking in the middle of the night to grab my prescription medication (with the dreaded "no refills" in bold print on the bottom of the bottle!) to alleviate (or minimize) the physical pain that I am experiencing.

This got me thinking: how amazing is it that I have a Pharmacist sitting at the Thrown, knowing exactly where all of my life's pain is! There is no waiting line at the Drive Thru, no insurance cards to fill out, nor applications to get in. There are no business hours with my Pharmacist; 3:00 a.m. visits are not only welcomed, but encouraged, so there is no being stuck until the next available appointment.

I can be experiencing no pain, little pain, or be in an excruciating place in my life and I can make it the norm to visit as often as I like. And what's amazing, I don't have to call on any other human to see this: Infinite Refills! But just like any antibiotic, I do need to continue my daily intake of my Medicine (the word, fellowship, etc.) for life's infections to go away and to alleviate (or minimize) life's pain.

So although I would prefer to be fully rested at 3:00 a.m., I am so grateful (swollen face and all) that I was awakened to see a message from the Lord. And I'm a little relieved to have found that little burnt-orange container of Motrin on the counter as well ;)

Good Night Family & Friends...May your day be painless~

p.s. I've previously read in a fashion magazine that there are certain haircuts that look better w/ certain face shapes (round, heart-shaped, square, oval, etc.)...due to my swelling in my face, I think I may get a trim. Does anyone know of a style that corresponds with a trapezoid? he he he

Monday, August 27, 2007

First Day Of School~

After filling out the lengthy application, awaiting the confirmation of enrollement, the day has finally arrived. Jaiden's first day of "school" at our church (Irving Bible Church) in the Kids Day Out program.

We have been preparing for this day for about a week, reminding Jaiden that she is going to be going to "school" and that she will be meeting new friends, that we pray she will be a good listener to her teachers (Ms. Stephanie and assistant Ms. Susie), and that we're very proud of her.

It has been fun...picking out her backpack and lunch tote (covered in lady bugs per Jaiden's choice of course!), and realizing that you can NOT get a nap mat the weekend before classes start (whoops!), but none of the enjoyment of the unimportant things could have prepared my heart for the feeling I got when she came into the kitchen, all dressed and said, "ready mama!" It's only the Kids Day Out program and I got a lump in my throat. She's not even three, and I couldn't believe how quickly she has grown thus far.

I often wonder if that is how God feels when we, His children, finally pick something up and move toward the next step in our spiritual lives. I wonder if our Sovereign God actually looks down at us from Heaven and thinks, "wow, he/she is really growing (maturing) Spiritually" and gets a lump in His heavenly throat.

As I watched Jaiden walk down the hallway to her classroom with her backpack propped just right so that if she were to sway too far to the left or the right, she would topple over with the weight of only her lunch tote and folder, I am whispering to myself, "go on baby...go on. You can do it, you're such a big girl! Don't turn back, don't turn back!" And as much as I want to go run up to her, grab her and take her in my arms and head right back home, I let her go.

I know that our Father does just that. He prepares us for our Walk of life and as we utilize the tools He has given us, we take off. We are walking down the path that He has created for us and He is whispering from His almighty Place, "Go on...go on! You can do it, you're such a mighty warrior of mine! Don't turn back, don't turn back!" And as much as it hurts Him to know that even with our armor/our bag full of supplies, we could topple over at any minute... He lets us go.

I am excited for Jaiden to meet new friends, learn new things, and experience new events as well. But I am even more excited to see what path He has for her and pray that we can only guide her down that path. We will be praying for, with, and over her. We will equip her with all that God has given us. We will continue to encourage her to grow, and we will hesitantly, but certainly let go and watch her walk down that hall of life. We have no choice. God's plan far exceeds that of our own. And to just turn around and head right back where we came... where would that take us?

I urge you sisters and brothers... use what the Lord has given you to fill your child's spiritual backpack, push yourselves to new levels of growth as well. So when the bell of Christ's return is heard in the wind, we can hear our Lord God say, "Go on! Go on!"


Thursday, August 02, 2007

Happy Birthday Alexis

~Alexis Lia Keeter is 13~
August 3, 2007

I wanted to wish Aden's daughter, Carol & Sr.'s granddaughter, Scott, Kristin, & Lisa's niece, and Chloe, Emma, Lizzie's cousin, and Jaiden's step-sister a very Happy 13th Birthday.

I know we all wish we could spend this very special day with Ali, and we all can continue to pray for God's intervention so that we might be able to see her soon.

Even though you aren't physically here with each of us, we know you're having your special day today and we all wish so deeply that we might share it with you.

We love you Alexis, and Happy Birthday sweet girl.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

I am a spiritual two-year old!

Again, something huge has hit me.... And I mean aside from the projectiles that Jaiden deems appropriate to send my way at the most unexpected moments.

My daughter is two. If that statement does not ring through with enough screaching siren sounds, then I do not know of another statement that will hit you strongly enough.

As I sat comfortably (this is a rare occasion these days) on our sofa, I was watching Jaiden as she explored the living room. It was cute. She was learning about the things around her just has she went about her way. She would ask questions, I would answer them. She would seemingly apply what she had just learned from me and then go on to the next task. But then, out of no where, as if I hadn't taught her a thing, she deliberately disobeys one of my (our) rules.

Then WHACK! it hit me. That is EXACTLY how I must be in the eyes of our Lord. Oh my goodness. I am a spiritual two-year old. Just like Jaiden in her unrelenting disobedience that absolutely wears me out to no end, I must too, do that in the eyes of God. A little sin here, a little sin there. I go about my day, smiling, talking with the Lord, complimenting all that He has done for me (glorifying Him, obeying, making disciples, etc.), but then WHAM! I sin. I worry about things that are not happening in my timing. I wonder about the future (as if He is not going to handle it). Good GRIEF.

It has to be so frustrating to my God that after so many years, so many conversations, so many lessons, the best and biggest How-To-Do Book known to all mankind (the Bible) available to me at all times, that I STILL continuously fail and intentionally disobey God (and His word).

Unbelievable. Although I do not intend to whip a votive candle (which happens to be my favorite home decor ojbect)at our Lord's foreye any time soon, I certainly will be aware of the fact that any little sin I may have at the tip of my fingers or lips will be flying in the face of the God who once told me "No ma'am!"

I'm exhausted and I have to go back to tending to my Jaiden Claire. May our God rest knowing that I am planning to be on my best behavior.


4th of July 2007

Fireworks. Pyrotechnics. Whatever you may call them, they are just so amazing to me. Perhaps it is because all of the fireworks shows come out only once a year (or one time of year)? Perhaps it is because the loud bangs, pops, snaps and other sounds are just so unfamiliar yet so unavoidable?

I don't know what it is, but this year, as I stood in our cul-de-sac and watched this year's display of fireworks, I just stood there in awe. More so than the years past.

I was blessed to be able to hold Jaiden during some of the show and it was so amazing to watch her face as she enjoyed the display of lights. She was trembling a bit and with each boom held on to me a little more tightly. But she couldn't get enough. She kept saying, "more! more! more fireworks!" and was delighted each time her request was met.

But then Aden said something and it hit me. He said, "just think, this is what our soldiers hear all day, every night." It sunk in. It's no secret why these displays have grabbed my attention this year. It isn't a surprise that they symbolize something different for me this week. Aden's simple statement rang something so huge, so unexplainable. And he's RIGHT.

I've known since elementary school what Independence Day historically was all about. (Although I do wish I could still recite the Declaration of Independence as we used to in our school plays). But it wasn't until now that I have been able to fully grasp the fact that America is THE country. I am truly proud to be an American. As cliche as it may sound, I will say it again, "I am proud to be an American."

I am boasting with praise for our Father and the founding fathers that recognized Him as the Creator, even in the Declaration of Independence. However, I am afraid for America and where it seems to be headed in this regard. Taking God out of so many things, dismissing the importance He has in our lives, and disregarding Him when trying to do what is right for our great country. I am not surprised, for it is written, but I still do fear for this great nation.

I am saddened to think of all of the families both near and far that have a soldier fighting out there. I am saddened not because I know all of the facts and know what is right for them. I am saddened because as I watched this ominous site, phenomenal display of fireworks, holding my daughter in my arms, I was safe. I am forever grateful to to you brave men and women. We are forever grateful to you. And for all of those who seem to think otherwise, I extend my family's hearts even further.

It has been so easy to forget what this great country has done and where it has come since July 4, 1776, just as it has been easy to forget the text of the Declaration of Independence since I studied it 2 decades ago. America was once a nation "UNDER GOD."

There is a time for war as it was written. Good and bad things will continue to happen in this world and in this country. But it shouldn't be a secret how this country came to be so great. Read the declaration for independence. See that they included God. Know that it isn't coincidence. Yes, war is going to happen for it is written in the word, "There is a time for war, a time for peace." But as Oswald wrote, "Peace is not the absence of trouble, yet the presence of God."

I won't forget that there are men and women who have already gone before me who made it possible for me to sit here in seemingly guaranteed safety today. I won't forget that I have friends and families who are missing their soldiers each day and do not have that confidence. I will not forget the feeling I had when Aden reminded me that although the experience (of the firework display) is spectacular, there is another side to the story. And more importantly, I will not forget that this great nation, this place we call home, AMERICA once believed in the Creator and had Him at its focal point.

May you all be blessed by whatever experience you may have had this 4th of July in 2007. May we all return to this day 231 years ago when our nation had a united dream for this country and its people. May we all keep God as our focal point and not forget what this day is about. God Bless America, or more importantly as some have said, America bless God!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Happy Father's Day!


Aden and Jaiden enjoyed an ice cream bar together to conclude this year's Father's Day.

Jaiden soon realized that ice cream was not only for eating, but you can enjoy it as a body paint as well! Yahoo!

Please enjoy the slideshow of this wonderful event!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Psalm 139.16

Psalm 139:16 reads, "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

I hesitate before you all as I begin to type this entry. Today has been an unusual day. It started out just as any other day would have, with hurried attempts to get the house picked up and laundry started before I hear Jaiden's sweet voice. Then I went to get her with the usual, sweet requests of "mama, look at birds please" as I take her straight to her window from her crib to see if there are any birds outside her window as they often are in the morning. We also went to the park and played on the playground and hit the grocery store on the way home. All of these things are almost routine on a daily basis.

But there was something that has been hanging over me today and it's a feeling that I hadn't felt in such a long time. And although I have been smiling off and on all morning, there was something missing. And as enjoyable as my day has been, it has hit me. I miss Savannah. I really miss my sweet baby girl. Now, I think of Savannah all of the time. I am able to smile and laugh and think of the beautiful memories I've had with her. But there are days, days like these, that for some reason are like a kick to the stomach. I just really ache inside for her.

Perhaps it is because I wonder what she would have been like as I watch Jaiden go from words to sentences with a similar sweet voice. Perhaps it's because they both call me "mama" over-emphasizing the M's. And maybe it's because Jaiden is just as determined yet soft in her demeanor. Nonetheless, the ache is here today.

I am so grateful that I have come to a point in my life where I no longer question God's intention for her death. Psalm 139:16 has never been more true or evident than a day with Savannah... "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." To question her death to me would be equivalent as questioning the days of her life. I do not intend to question our Almighty God as much as I would be able to understand His explanation. But the truth remains: It hurts. It hurts 5 years and 10 months from the day she went to Heaven.

It amazes me how we go through so many things in our lives. It amazes me further how God has had it all in this Master plan. I'm continuously reminded of the blessings I have in my life (those that are currently here and those that have since passed, but the effect yet remains).

It saddens me to know that there are families out there right now that have the agony and sorrow in their hearts this instant, as they live through the nightmare of discovering their child has been lost to this thing called SIDS. Lord, I pray that you wrap your arms around those individuals because although you did get me through it, I cannot imagine being in that place right now. And I also pray for those who are in the same position as I am right now... years from that moment when their lives changed forever, that still ache to hold their precious children in their earthly arms.

Our God is an amazing God. Every day that he has given me. Every morning that I tear through our home getting things picked up and laundry cleaned is a blessing. Every whispered plea to look out the window at the birds by Jaiden are a blessing. Every safely traveled trip to the park and grocery store are a blessing. There are days that go by that I don't even think about what's happening because I am just going with the flow. And there are days when something is lingering over me and I think it's an important reminder from our God to keep going. A reminder that tells me, "Look how far you've come. Look ahead to what I have planned for you."

I will hold onto His words in Psalm 139:16: "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." The Author of my life is the most amazing Writer ever to be and yet to come. I know that the books of my life that lie ahead are going to be great. There will be dramas, comedies, and tragedies. But I look forward to them. How else could I possibly go from today's chapter of grief and turn the page of my life and look forward to reading tomorrow? I do not know what will come tomorrow, but I am confident that whatever the Lord has ordained for us, He has already proudly written.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

It's Officially Summer Time!

Well, it's here. Texas summer. The thunderstorms have been coming and going for the past couple of weeks. The temperatures are comfortably settling in around 90 degrees. The tank tops, cut off shorts, and flip flops are everywhere.

For most people in the South, it is a time for backyard bbq's, afternoons out on the water, and a time to get and stay outside. I did say for most people, didn't I?

Then there are folks like me who find this new heat wave almost unbearable! I am trying to find the thinnest t-shirt I can possibly dig up in my closet (I can't wear a tank because this girl would fry and look like a Louisiana crawfish!). I am guzzling ice water by the gallon it seems. I am longing to live at my parents' house where the pool is only inches from their back door (yes, pretty scary for both of us, I realize!).

I do see the good in summer, too. The children all seem to have this 'glow' about them and are excited to be dismissed from school (even if it is at the detriment of their parents!). We all seem to get a little more motivated to take care of the body that God has entrusted us with (even if our motivation is primarily for getting into the little sundress or taking off that shirt to mow the lawn (I'm referring to the guys only here!)). The animals seem to be playful. Furthermore, God seems to have given us more time with the lingering daylight (although I still seem to just crunch more things onto my 'to-do' list than use it wisely!). It really is beautiful.

So do the promises our Lord has given us. "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." Times are changing. It's evident every time we open the newspaper (or click our mouse if we're the technological savvy individual). There is war, there is famine, there is the highest divorce rate I could ever have imagined as a young adult. There are also cures for diseases that ailed our ancestors. There have been advances in technology. And there are more churches now that our grandparents could have imagined! We know that these things will continue to change, both for the good and the bad. We know that these days will come and go.

I know that in this summer, there will be things that God has in store for my family that I need to continually pray about and prepare for. Even more that I will never know until it happens. I know there will be sunny days and stormy nights. I am confident that we will get through all of them because we have put our trust in the One Who can get us through anything.

I am excited to see what that plan is. I am certain that we will be having our own share of backyard bbq's, time out on the lake, and spending many hot afternoons out in the sun. I am however, hopeful in the book of Daniel because it promises that "He changes times and seasons." Oh please Lord, please let that time be short and the season be chilly!

Love from (hot) Texas,


Miss Elizabeth Clare "Lizzie" Keeter

Baby Elizabeth Clare has arrived!

She was born Monday, March 26, 2007 at 5:47pm.

She weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz & was 20 inches long.

This is a late post, and I feel horribly about it, but I did want to get it up here! So sorry for the delay Keeter family!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Happy Anniversary Mr. Aden Sr. and Mrs. Carol!

Year Number 43!!!
Today marks a very special day in the Keeter Family. Aden Sr. and Carol celebrate over 4 decades of marriage together!
1 Corinthians tells us that "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."
What an inspiration to us all what God had in mind for marriage. May we all continue to pray for them as they continue to inspire us!
Oh, and by the way, this picture is a year old. Until I have an updated picture, they will just have to be happy with this one if they do not approve! he he he... Happy Anniversary! We love you both!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

This Life...

The past few weeks have been filled with prayer, contemplation, assessment, and enlightenment. I think over time, I have allowed myself to become complacent in this life. Every thing was 'ok:' I was still giving thanks for the daily gifts, smiling at Jaiden through out the day as I usually would, greeting my husband at the door when he comes home, and casually enjoying each evening and weekend as a family. But being just nonchalant with what God has given me is not something I strive to accept.

I have no doubt that God's timing is perfect for me (notice I didn't say just "perfect"--things would come so much faster if it were up me!). In the midst of this routine I had going for myself I realized that it just wasn't right. I was doing things and agreeing to things and accepting whatever was coming my way without truly considering whether or not it was right for us (my family). And with doing so, I was giving up chances every day to create the lives God wants for us.-- That idea was proposed by Robin Mc Graw in her book Inside My Heart. It's so easy to do though, right? We get in our auto-drive mode and just roll with it.

Well, things weren't looking very good for my family and I just decided that I was going to do something about it. First, I decided that I need to figure out a couple of things. What can I do to make things great (good just is, well only good). What can I proactively do, what I can not do, etc. I started refreshing my mind with wonderful advice from some of my favorite people: Robin Mc Graw (yes, this is Dr.Phil's wife, but no, I'm not a fanatic of talk shows!), Greg Laurie, and the Apostles.

For example, Mc Graw reminds us that "(It is a) real privilege (to be) free to embrace the joyful aspects of life and reject the hurtful ones, to choose to do what's working, and to turn your back on what isn't. It's a privilege to have the right to take charge of your existence and be excited about your life." There have been some difficult choices in my life recently that I had to look closely to these words and grasp them, just as I let go of things and people that I had to realize were hurtful parts of my life. Not easy...but refreshing.

In my devotional Because by Greg Laurie, he also brought into the spotlight a very good point: "Just as a car going uphill will naturally roll backward if it's parked and shifted into neutral, we'll naturally go the wrong way if we shift our Christian lives into neutral and stop seeking to learn and grow as believers as we develop our 'new nature.'" That was it! I was doing just that. I was content, I was in neutral. He continues to reminds us that "growth in the Christian life isn't just about obeying commandments. It's about wanting to grow, wanting to please the Lord, and wanting to become more like Him. That's what keeps us moving." Well, that is precisely what I needed to hear (again, his timing is perfect for me).

From an earthly perspective, we have it all. We have a wonderful home, the knowledge and education to manage our home and finances effectively, a marriage, a healthy child, and live in a free country. That's wonderful, it really is. Laurie points out that "the world's version of (happiness) is quite different than the Bible's version. The happiness of this world depends largely on circumstances." So, from the earthly perspective we should be ecstatic, unless "someone cuts (us) off on the freeway or (we) get sick or (we) incur an unplanned major expense." I am just so glad we don't choose to compare our happiness to earth's standards, where our "happiness (would) always hinge on the given circumstances of the moment." Although I was starting to feel that way...

"According to Scripture, true happiness is never something to be sought directly; it always results from seeking something else." I know I was walking on the path that I have been so long, keeping 'in touch' with our Lord and reading, praying, etc... but I was at that crossroad where I was looking at the path that was laid out for me and glancing over at the road that the 'world' chooses just because it's what seems so easy sometimes.

Well, I know that "when we seek holiness, we'll find happiness." I have been doing what I think many of my brothers and sisters in Christ do. Daily readings, 'casual' prayer, and even the occasional plea for something! But I wasn't actively doing any thing about this life to get it from the 'good/normalcy' it was in and take it to the 'great' God has in store for us.

I had allowed myself to become drained and complacent. Mc Graw has such a strong emphasis on "choice" in her book. And she's so right. Everything we do is based on a choice. We can choose to do something or choose not to do something. Nonetheless, there is a choice being made. Just days ago, I chose to take the next step in making my (and my family's) life a bit happier. I chose to have a great attitude. I chose to put away problems that are so trivial they had just been blocking my view of what God had painted for me. I chose to address problems that have been buried for so long. I chose to put God back at the top of my priority list.---By far the best choice I've made thus far.

But the most amazing part of this revelation for me is this. There was a cloud over my eyes that didn't allow me to see that there is not one other person I would rather be or not one other thing I would rather be doing than what I am doing right now. I am an appreciated wife who is absolutely loved by my 2-year old daughter. I am blessed beyond description and not because we have this nice little home on the cul de sac and we have our goals laid out for the future. We would be just as blessed if we were still in a small apartment just up the road. And that is what is amazing.

"I have a healthy respect for the devil's ability; he's a powerful adversary. In our own strength, we're no match for him. So we don't want to venture out in this life depending only on our own abilities, because it will bring spiritual defeat." I think when I start feeling "normal" again, I am going to have to revisit this blog entry and be reminded that I just might be walking a fine line between God's plan and the earthly plan. "If ever there was a time to be walking closely with the Lord, it's now. This is not the time to be playing games with God. This is not the time to wander away."

In Genesis 3:9 God said to Adam, "Where are you?".. Have you ever stopped to consider that verse? Can you imagine God seeking us? That weighs heavy on my mind looking at my life the past few months and I can only imagine God doing that even though I have "visited" him regularly. I have done on the exterior what would be 'recommended' of me as a Christian, but on the interior, I never considered "if the Lord would say the same thing to some of us many times: 'Where are you? Where have you been? I have been looking for you. I wanted to speak with you. I want you to walk with Me---and I want to walk with you.' I wonder just how many times each day God wants to tell (me) something, but He can't get a word in edgewise?"

It's no surprise I was in some 'funk' for who knows how long. No wonder we have been just going through the motions and have been 'ok' to every one else. And of course I am going to smile at Jaiden as we spend our time together and of course, I'm going to be glad to see my husband when he walks through that door. But oh, what a change it has been to long to spend my day with Jaiden or long for Aden to come home from work. What a blessing the weekends are to get additional time in the Word. And more importantly, what a difference it makes when you don't walk casually with God, but desire to be with Him, as he desires to be with each of us.

I entitled this blog entry as "This Life." I have taken this life that God has given me and made the choice to make it all that God promised it could be. Each day is a new day and I have to remind myself on a daily basis that today is the day I will make the choice to have a great attitude, be grateful that I do have so much to be thankful for, be mindful that I could as easily lose it all just as quickly, but praise God for whatever does come of it. This life to others would be seemingly ordinary. I am going to strive to make it extraordinary. After all, isn't that how Christ lived this life?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Additional Pictures ...

Here are some additional photographs of our night in Ft. Worth with Greg and Andrea! Enjoy!

Good Day Mates!

We are so blessed to have my cousin, Andrea and her husband Greg visiting from Brisbane, Australia this week! They have been trying to recouperate from their jet-lag, but had no problems hitting the town of Ft. Worth with us last night!

We enjoyed Cattleman's Steakhouse for dinner, hit the White Elephant for a round of cold mugs (oh, and I did tell my mom that I would disclose this information: While in the bar entitled, "The White Elephant" we were walking around admiring the decor. Well, Leslie turns to me and says, "The elephants (decor) are all white in here!...... That was a "duh"/ "here's your sign" moment if I've ever witnessed one?!..hehehe).

We then ventured to Billy Bob's and witnessed Greg beat Pops in a game of pool (although it was close!) and watched a little line dancing as well. Andrea and Greg will be heading up north to Wisconsin on Saturday, hit Chicago, New York, San Fransisco, and LA before heading back to the Big Pond!

Please keep their travels in your prayers and watch for more pictures!

Look Who's Two!

Jaiden Claire is two!

A big thank you to all who joined us on Jaiden's special day. And a big thank you for all who could not join us, but thought of our big girl!

We had a wonderful day... pre-party entertainment for the kids by Pops and Leslie (dancing in the living room), a nice big bbq, a bounce house (provided by the Mahdak's--thank you!), trampoline jumping, & plenty of great fellowship with friends and family.

We are truly blessed to have spent two incredible years with Miss Jaiden Claire and are excited to share the next one with all of you!

Let the terrible 2's begin!

She May Hate Me Later

Some may say, "bad mama," but I just couldn't help it. It was so cute and she obviously didn't seem too camera shy...

Monday, April 02, 2007

Spring is Here!

It is becoming quite obvious that our winter is slipping into the past and Spring is just around the corner. The grass is greener, the birds are often chirping, and the temperatures are rising. What a beautiful time of year.

But that isn't all that has Risen. This time of year has got to be one of the most significant seasons that our Christian brothers and sisters get to enjoy and worship our God. We are to remember and meditate on the events of Christ's passion and death, leading up to the glorious celebration of His resurrection on Easter Sunday and through the Easter Season. This Spring is a reminder of just how great our Father is. This is the time of year that puts our God above all others.

Philippians tells us to "Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the from of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

We all emphasis the importance of Christmas (Jesus' birth), but oh how we forget to dwell on the glory of this upcoming holiday of Easter. The fact that Jesus was born of a virgin is a miracle and all praise Him for this (while I understand that some remain skeptical). But the fact that our God rose from the dead sets him apart from the rest. Praise Him!

So while we all marvel at the fresh air, blooming flowers, and warmer weather, let us not forget the more glorious splendor of the love of our God, shown in Jesus during this profound time of year.

We invite you to join our church body in this wonderful prayer this week:

"Powerful and gracious God, your love endures forever. Raise us with Christ, that we may marvel at your life-giving power and proclaim to the world that Christ is risen indeed, for He lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen"

May God reach and bless each of you~
The Keeter Family

Friday, February 23, 2007

Happy Mardi Gras!

Jaiden Claire, February 21. 2007

Well, we ventured to New Iberia, Louisiana yet again to visit Granny and Pappy Keeter! We had intended to go for the weekend, yet stayed for a week! As we always discuss during these visits, we realize it is not normal for a daughter/mother-in-law to actually want to prolong each visit, but we sure do! I am so blessed!

We were able to spend every day with Granny because her boss at work (Pappy) was very lenient with her schedule. He he he. We had bbq's, played outside with the dogs, created some wonderful artwork with sidewalk chalk on the driveway, got to play with Aunt Kristin, Uncle Scott, and Cousins Chloe and Emma, and also chased Snowball (cat) around the yard.

Granny also brought us to a (family oriented) Mardi Gras parade. Jaiden really enjoyed the drums and the beads (which she exclaims they are "BEANS! BEANS!"). We didn't indulge in crawfish and spicy sausage like some of the family, but we did enjoy our first Louisiana Mardi Gras! Please note: Jaiden did not lift her shirt for her accumulated beads, nor did Granny or Mama!

Just a few family updates:

Aden, Jaiden, and I are rightful owners of our Montana property!!! We closed on it this past Tuesday. Now the fun preparations and planning to build will follow (yahoo!!!) ---in due time, of course. Pops Kent has offered to build us a tepee for our living quarters. Although we will carefully consider all ideas, I think we are going to have to decline on that one. Sorry Pops!

My sister Jessy and nephew Landon will be coming to visit in March. We haven't anything planned yet, but will be greatly looking forward to that! Please pray for their safe travels!

Jenny and her girls (Jennah and Abby) have found their new apartment and will be moving in March! She is very excited and hopefully she will share pictures later! Please pray for them, as sometimes moving can get very hectic! And pray for the girls' comfort in their new home!

Pops Kent and Leslie will be traveling to Spain this summer for a mission trip through their church in Mc Kinney. Please continue to pray for them as they prepare themselves physically, spiritually, and financially for this trip.

Scott, Kristin, Chloe, and Emma are in the last 6 weeks before welcoming their new baby Elizabeth Clare Keeter. Please pray for them as they enter the final month and a half and all that goes on during this busy time. She looks SO GREAT by the way!

Shortly after Miss Elizabeth's birth, we will be having Jaiden's Birthday #2 Party here in Coppell. We will be very busy getting the house and yard in shape for the BBQ-style Celebration. I'm getting the invites made up by this fabulous company ( Ok, it's Kristin's company, but like I said, it's FABULOUS! Just keep your eye out for one and we hope you all can join us for Jaiden's special day!

I think that about does it for immediate family updates... I'm so glad everyone seems to be doing so well! Please continue to pray for each other~

We are excited to see the warmer weather just around the corner. We are hoping to plan another little vacation here shortly and we'll be excited to share that with you as it develops. We aren't sure if it is going to be a family vacation or a romantic getaway for Aden and me. We'll see!

Well, that's it for now! Thank you for visiting our blog and we look forward to keeping you in touch with the latest news!

Love to All~


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Love Is In the Air

Ahh, the Meaning of Love...

The American Heritage Dictionary defines (Saint) Valentine's Day like this: "February 14, celebrated in various American and European countries by the exchange of valentines or love tokens. Also called Valentine's Day." ---Factual and succinct, I would say.

For Charlie Brown, this day marks an endless need for the attention and affection of the Pretty Little Redhead. ---Sweet and adorable, Charlie Brown.

In an online romance class, they described what most of of have heard the meaning of Valentine's Day to be: "Saint Valentine was a Roman who was killed for his faith on February 14, 269 A.D. He had refused to worship pagan gods, and some stories say he was a priest who would marry young couples in secret who loved each other but who did not have parental permission. In 496, his 'saint day' was established. He is associated with love because he fell in love with the daughter of his jailer, and would pass notes to her. His final note, before he was executed, read 'from your Valentine'."--- Sad, classic, and inspiring to me.

Ahh, love. These are all wonderful concepts to read about and share with others. But there is a love out there that surpasses these all to an immeasurable level. The love of our sovereign God. The love of our Savior Christ.

To think on a daily basis all of the ways that I fail myself, my daughter, my husband, my family; it is almost depressing. But to take it even further and realize that even more than my family, I am failing our God each and every day. Sure, I am trying not to. I try every minute to remain strong in my Walk and faithful to my Father. But even so, even though I am constantly failing, and constantly will get back up and fail again, my Father, your Father, our God still loves me. It truly amazes me.

I love to hear all of the love stories during this time of year. The couple that have been faithfully married for 75+ years and still holding hands. The couple that met by chance just weeks ago and cannot take their eyes off of each other. Love is almost euphoric in nature and it's something we all crave and long to experience.

I am blessed. I get to experience love every day. I have a husband who loves me. I have a daughter who loves me. I have a family that loves me. I live in a country that fights for me. But most of all, I have the Holy Lord, our God, that loves me.

I have zero doubt that 50 years from now if my life is unfinished here on earth, I will be in a wooden rocking chair with my loving husband rocking right beside me. ---I have no doubt that 25 years from now, I will be blessed to see Jaiden look into her own husband's eyes and experience love for herself. ---I have no doubt that 5 years from now, I will experience a new love for God's creation as we move ourselves to Montana and breathe in mountain air each morning. And I am so happy that I can be confident in that right now, my Father in Heaven is looking down on me with the only the Love that He can give.

Love is a wonderful thing. It is a gift given by our Ultimate Valentine. There is no one that will ever love you more. There is no way He could ever want to love us less.

I hope that Valentine's Day 2007 can mark as a reminder of all of the love you have in your life. Whether it is the love tokens, chasing a red-haired little girl, or dying for a cause, that makes you think of Valentine's Day...they are all so sweet and we will continue to be intrigued by the stories... Remember the One Who defines love: God, the Maker, the Beloved, Everlasting Life....our Lord.

I pray that He has his loving arms wrapped around you today... Happy Valentine's Day 2007.


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Our Christmas Angel, Jaiden

It's a Beautiful Life--Christmas 2006

Merry Christmas, 2006
We had a wonderful Christmas and I pray you all did as well.
Staying at home this year was both relaxing and a blessing. We were able to wake up Christmas morning and see Jaiden's eyes light up as she noticed there was something different about our living room. After the exclamation "toys!!!" she went about her business of picking up a new toy and moving on to the next. It was short-lived however.
I think the unwrapping of gifts was more burdensome than exciting and moving from one new toy to the next was not something she was a fan of. She wanted to examine each toy before proceeding and she rather us open them for her. Maybe next year!!!
Jaiden was showered with gifts from all of her relatives; books, puzzles, sidewalk chalk, apparel, a rocking horse, personalized pillow, a new bike...just to name a few! Thank you for all of her wonderful new goodies!
We were able to spend a nice, quiet dinner with my parents and Aden's parents yesterday afternoon. I filled the table with brisket, loaded mashed potatoes, plain mashed potatoes to be smothered in gravy, biscuits, croissants, stuffing, buttered corn, cherry and apple pie, etc. We were all pretty full. I was fine until I had to try BOTH pies.
All in all, it was a pleasant Christmas and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. I miss all who were missing and pray that it was just as enjoyable from where you were... I am constantly reminded of God's greatness and grace each time we have these family moments. I see the innocence in Jaiden as she plays carelessly in our presence, I see the kindness in Aden's eyes as he looks admirably on to his father, I see the love in my father's eyes as he comes into the room shouting, "Ho! Ho! Ho!" with his Green Bay Packer santa hat just a little crooked on top of his head. I am blessed.
Thank you Jesus, for your miraculous birth, innocent and flawless life, sacrificial death, and your endless blessings you shower upon my family.

Christmas, 2006---By Jodie

Monday, December 18, 2006

Special Reminders

Greetings Friends, Family, and Strangers...

Today I have realized something: Over the past few days, I have been so busy and surrounded with the earthly doings of the Christmas season. I have been shopping for those last minute gifts and stocking stuffers, I have been putting together a menu for our Christmas meal, and I have been desperately trying to keep our ornaments on our tree that our toddler would rather have in our garbage can (with that ever-so-cool flip-flop cover). Pretty common, right?

Well, I realized that I have completely dismissed and neglected the fact that although all of these things are 'normal' and almost ritual, they certainly are not what Christmas is all about, nor should they be what I fill my time with to the extent to which I have.

Yesterday while I was having fun playing with my daughter, I was taking pictures of her as I usually do. I'm actually pretty excited about the picture I get to share with all of you (above). But as I was uploading the picture to this blog, it hit me. WOW, am I blessed. And WOW, have I been missing it all along. I was all of a sudden overcome with an intense combination of emotions. As I attempted to swallow with the lump in my throat, I was reminded of a time not too long ago.

It was Christmas 2001 and I was grief-stricken with the (then) recent loss of my daughter, Savannah. Then my attention turned to the families that I have recently come to know (via family blogs): Matt, Ginny, and Eliot ( and the Cox family ( They are going to experience that intense feeling of emptiness that I felt years ago.

And then my attention turned to families who haven't lost a child, but are missing their sons, daughters, husbands, and wives overseas because they are fighting for the very freedoms we are given through them because they are the brave men and women of our armed forces.

I was again reminded of these great individuals while visiting a dear friends blog site and was given this link to Mark Schultz' video "Letters From War" ( Please, take a moment to watch this video... you won't regret it and it may just put a little reminder in the back of your head (or front of your heart) what some may be experiencing this Christmas.

I hadn't intended for this blog posting to seem dismal, but I thought it would be very important to remind everyone as well as myself, that although I am happy, content, and incredibly blessed... some are not as fortunate this Christmas.
I am grateful that I live in a country that is free and I have both friends and strangers that are doing that dirty work through their service in the armed forces for me every day. I am happy because I have a wonderful husband. I am fortunate because I have a healthy baby girl. I am blessed because God's grace covers my family.

I pray for this family and yours... that we all can stop and remember while we are rushing off to Macy's to buy those last minute gifts and honking our car horns at the vehicle in front of us that may have hesitated at the green light... that the man or woman next to us may be missing the child that recently went to be with Jesus, or that individual in front of us in line just may be wishing their loved one wasn't in Iraq, but safe at home with them this Christmas.

May we ALL remember what is important this Christmas.... I am blessed by you!

The TRUE meaning of Christmas, taken from Matt and Ginny's blog, but more importantly, from the book of Luke:

So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.

An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about."

So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told. -Luke 2

In His Glorious Name,

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Look Who Has Grown...

Miss Jaiden is 19-Months Old!

Peek-A-Boo!Hmmm...I wasn't aware of that fact. Reading is quite insightful...
Well yes, go ahead and take my picture if you must... However, I do have an appointment to get to...

Well, our little girl is growing up and almost all too quickly! We have passed her first year and one half and she is getting smarter and taller by the minute! It's amazing how quickly the time passes. It seems like it was just yesterday when she was barely crawling and just beginning to say "mama" and "dada." Now, we are chasing after our little girl who is running here and darting there seemingly at every second that passes! She is now communicating with us verbally and through sign, her needs and thoughts. It's simply amazing to see the transformation that has taken place in the past 19 months.

I thought it would be neat to list some of the milestones and favorites here on our blog to share with our friends and family. So below I've begun to compile a little list for Jaiden... feel free to add/share any ideas or comments that I may have overlooked!

Jaiden's "people" Words: Mommy, Daddy, PawPaw, Grandma, Granny, Grandpa, Chloe, Ewwa (used for both Emma and Ella), Kstin (used for Aunt Kristin and neighbor boy, Christian), Jessy, Wandon (used for Landon), Lisa, Riann, Sommy (for Sammy), Ooper (for our neighbor Cooper), Elsie (for neighbor Kelsey), Jake

Jaiden's Animal Words: Puppy, Dog, Cat, Kitty, Kitten, Cow, Duck, Raf (used for giraffe), shish (used for all marine animals, trying to say "fish"), Eera (used for zebra), snake,

Jaiden's sentences/phrases: Yes please! More please! There she is! We're home! Almost home! Light on! Light off! Oh Boy! Come here! Outside please! Sorry! Oopsies! Mama eat, please? Very hot!

Jaiden's sign language signs: more, please, eat, hat, yummy, daddy, mama, grandpa, car, train, tree, play, thank you, swing, baby, chair, giraffe, ball, cracker, milk, socks, blocks, elephant, sorry, thank you, my turn, your turn, and probably more but I cannot recall off hand!

Jaiden's favorite things to do: Read books, CLIMB!!!!, play outside, swing, draw/color/write, DANCE DANCE DANCE, and starting to "sing" along with songs

Jaiden's favorite shows: Blues Clues, Dora, The Wiggles

Jaiden's favorite books: anything with the alphabet in it, rhymes, and Baby Einstein collections

We have been so blessed to have such a happy and healthy baby girl. She has been on a pretty tight schedule since she was about 2 months old and we could not have asked for a better child. The Lord has truly blessed us through Jaiden and we are excited to see how the next few months and years will go.

She is getting into that communication part of her development whereby she knows more of what she would like to express than she is capable of doing, so there are episodes here and there of "tantrums," but we are dealing with them like most parents do.... Either laugh or pull your (graying) hair out!!! :) So wish us luck in the months to come!

Like I said, we've been blessed by a beautiful baby girl. I find myself some nights just thinking about how far we've come with her and the joy and struggles that await us. I'm both excited and fearful. She is such a piece of God's work just covered in innocence. When I hear of the things of this world, the scary things, I am just swelling with worry and fear. How am I going to protect her? How can I keep her from experiencing those pains? Well, I have to constantly put those worries in prayer and give them up to the Lord. It's so amazing. She isn't even two yet and I am laden with fears of her future already.

I was fortunate to go see the movie, "Flicka" a few weeks ago and there is a theme song from that movie that I'd like to share the lyrics. When I heard them, I immediately thought of our little Jaiden... with her spirit, personality, and innocence. Perhaps they will remind you of your little girl(s)...

Beautiful Baby Girl, By Tim McGraw

Gotta hold on easy as I let you go. Gonna tell you how much I love you, though you think you already know. I remember I thought you looked like an angel wrapped in pink so soft and warm. You've had me wrapped around your finger since the day you were born.

Beautiful baby from the outside in. Chase your dreams but always know the road that'll lead you home again. Go on, take on this whole world. But to me you know you'll always be, my little girl.

When you were in trouble that crooked little smile could melt my heart of stone. Now look at you, I've turned around and you've almost grown. Sometimes you're asleep I whisper "I Love You!" in the moonlight at your door. As I walk away, I hear you say, "Daddy Love You More!".

Beautiful baby from the outside in. Chase your dreams but always know the road that'll lead you home again. Go on, take on this whole world. But to me you know you'll always be, my little girl.

Someday, some boy will come and ask me for your hand. But I won't say "yes" to him unless I know, he's the half that makes you whole, he has a poet's soul, and the heart of a man's man. I know he'll say that he's in love. But between you and me. He won't be good enough!

Beautiful baby from the outside in. Chase your dreams but always know the road that'll lead you home again. Go on, take on this whole world. But to me you know you'll always be, my little girl.

Rings true, doesn't it? Well, like I said, we are only 19 months into Jaiden's journey. We would like to ask that all of you join us in perpetual prayer for our little angel. We pray that we would continue to keep our family grounded in Christ, equip our hearts with God's Word, and lean on Him in raising our baby girl. She's such a gift, such a miracle, and such a blessing.
We will keep you posted on her continued growth and development... but until then, we will put our helmets on and get back in the ring...after all, we now do have a toddler!!!
Take Care and God Bless,

Monday, November 27, 2006

We Give Thanks...

Thanksgiving 2006

This year, we made our way to New Iberia, Louisiana to spend Thanksgiving with Aden's family. We all stayed at his parents' house and it was a full house! Scott, Kristin, Chloe, Emma, and baby-in-the-belly were there and slept out in their camper. Lisa and Buddy made it as well! Sonia and Sarah (the Keeter's neighbors and friends) made it for our Thanksgiving meal as well.

As I suspected, the menu was plentiful and the conversation was great. We all ate so much, yet the serving platters seemed to be as full as they were when we started after the meal had come to an end! Nonetheless, we had such a wonderful lunch.

The girls all went shopping on Friday and came home with bags-o-plenty from the Lafayette mall, while the boys played with Jaiden and watched TV (Chloe and Emma spent time with Kristin's aunt during this time). It was an enjoyable day, even with all of the traffic and packed stores!

We had planned on coming home Saturday morning, but decided to stay an extra day and it was so wonderful. The time spent with Mr. and Mrs. Keeter was so enjoyable. We were even able to get in an entertaining game of Dominoes in on Saturday night after Jaiden went off to dream. We were all laughing so hard; I'm not sure if it was the lack of sleep, the wine, or a combination of both, but there were several times we were all nearly in tears. Oh, and if you are looking to play a game that you can almost certainly succeed in beating Mr. Keeter (Aden Sr.), play dominoes. He he he... sorry Mr. Keeter.

The drive home was uneventful and safe (thank you, Lord!). Jaiden did remarkably well and we owe our thanks to Pops for lending us his laptop computer so Jaiden could watch some of her movies during the trip.

We were also able to spend some time with my parents upon our return from Louisiana. We all spent some time outside while Aden grilled out chicken. Pops and Leslie played with Jaiden in a pile of leaves and she had such a good time. We did get out the video camera and will get that video attachment to our blog in due time. The meal was great... Jaiden enjoyed her food, but couldn't wait to get down and play. Of course, it didn't take but a few minutes for her grandparents to give in to that!

Well, we are home now and things are back in order. Jessy, Landon, and Christian will be coming to visit us this Thursday-Sunday and we are greatly looking forward to that! We have a Christmas parade on Friday, a 5K race scheduled for Saturday morning, and much relaxation planned for the rest of their stay!

We will also begin our preparations around here for the Christmas season! We have to pull out the Christmas tree, decorations, The Christmas Story and get started! I am looking forward to it, Aden I am sure is dreading it, and Jaiden has no idea what is yet to come!!!

I hope and pray that you all will be able to enjoy the upcoming month without losing sight of the true meaning of this season. It is so easy and worldly acceptable for us to all go crazy, keeping ourselves busy, our wallets empty, our debt and credit card balances full, and our minds on everything but what is important. I pray that we can all stay focused and keep each other both in prayer and held accountable.

In closing, I am so glad to be part of this family. This Thanksgiving was so wonderful and I am so thankful for the wonderful family to which I belong.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Winter is coming! November 2, 2006

Jaiden Claire Keeter enjoys her new slide!

The temperatures are dropping in Texas and we are beginning to enjoy (well, some of us) the cooler weather that the South has to offer.

We've been experiencing 40-75 degree days here in Coppell, TX and it seems to only be getting cooler. Praise God!!! (Are we all not rejoicing here?!)...

I love the feeling of waking in the morning and you actually hesitate to emerge from underneath the covers because as you start to lift the blankets,
a chilly breeze seems to find its way right to your warm body! I love it! (Until I realize that I actually do have to get up)!

There has been so much happening in the Keeter and Kent families. First, the Keeter side: Mr. Aden Sr. and Carol have purchased their Montana, mountain property for retirement! I was fortunate to be able to join them on their last trip out West and I got to experience firsthand what they will be doing for the rest of their lives. It was breath-taking. Oh, and a sidenote, they DO have an apartment attached to their garage...they do not know I am disclosing this information, but if you find that they do not return your calls while they are living amidst God's glory, well, just fly out there. I'll find out where the key will be hidden and keep you posted (he he he)...

Scott, Kristin, Chloe, and Emma are all anticipating the arrival of their baby sister/brother in April. Kristin is looking beautiful as ever and is finally getting a little relief from the troublesome morning sickness! She is continuing to try to keep her business up and running ( during the pregnancy and is keeping incredibly busy with the girls (could we expect anything else from this incredible woman?!) Let's all keep that family in our prayers~

Miss Lisa is continuing her career in real estate business and seems to be doing quite well. She also joined us on our recent trip out west. She did officially name the mountain that Mr. and Mrs. Keeter own as "Mt. Lisa." However, I don't know if that city girl is going to be able to handle the mountain weather, so I'm sure she won't be stealing that aforementioned apartment. That's one less fist in the fight!

Now the Kent side: My sister Jenny has relocated to the Minneapolis, Minnesota area with her two girls. Please keep them in your prayers as they begin a new adventure in a new city. The girls will be cared for by a nanny which is a blessing for Jenny as she will no longer have to have them in a daycare setting. Jennah (the older daughter) is actually attending a prep school a couple of days a week and really seems to be enjoying it! While her younger sister Abigail is thoroughly enjoying spending time with her baby dolls. And as for Jenny... she's in love with one of my best friends, John Vande Castle. (Sure, she's going to immediately call me and reprimand me for saying so publicly!). She can call, but she can't complain; I'm the matchmaker after all! She is also in the start-up phase of her own little marketing company...stay tuned for details!

My twin sister Jessy has rapidly moved up in her company (Express Personnel). She is also becoming active in her church and has joined the choir (we can all make a joyful noise, right?!). Landon is doing well in Sunday school, too. He earned his first patch for memorizing Acts 10:38! His first Bible verse memorized with pride! He attends a class on Wednesday nights (called "Rainbows"). When he's 6, he will graduate to Religious Rangers. How sweet! Jessy and Landon will be coming down for a visit shortly after the Thanksgiving holiday. We are excited to spend time with her son Landon as well. Grandpa Kent seemingly has a calendar of events already scheduled for the visit!!! 5K races, parades, picnics...what else would you plan when it's going to be in the mid50's? (Insert sarcasm emoticon here please)...

My parents have been enjoying some of the benefits Leslie's job has to offer and have traveled a little together. Leslie works incredibly hard and is such an asset to her company, but is starting to finally be able to enjoy the flexibility of working from home. She's going to be in better physical shape than all of her kids...but more power to her, I say! Pops is continuing his Forrest-Gump-like lifestyle and seems to be running every time we turn around. He has another half-marathon this weekend. So lets cheer him on (and be glad it's HIM running this race and not us)! I guess he's got the right mindset, though, as God's word tells us in 1 Corinthians 9:24 "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize." Trust me folks, he usually takes home a prize, too! Even if it is a miniature 1st place trophy made out of plastic, that has a runner on top that resembles anything but a runner! Keep up the hard work, Pops!

We are continuing to search for our mountain property and are beginning to narrow it down to a few locations. It's a difficult decision to make; the entire state is gorgeous, I presume, and we are going to be retreating there for quite some time! We will be prayerful in our decision and God will more than likely reveal himself to us and His plan before we know it!

Well, as for now, those are the family updates. We are so truly blessed, aren't we?! 2 Thess-alonians 1:3 comes to mind when I think of my blessing that I have through each of you: "We ought always to thank God for you, brothers (and sisters), and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing."

I hope that through all of the new adventures and trials that may (and will!) come our way in the days/weeks/months to come, we all continue to keep our faith grounded in Christ. The holidays always seem to be a prime time for Satan to creep into our lives, families, and marriages. We are easily distracted by the ways of the world and dwell on the 'earthly matters' and hustle and bustle that occur during this busy time of year....and I believe this family has the strength to come together during the holiday seasons and keep the focus on what matters most.

I would like to challenge us all to personally take a step back and a deep look at ourselves, to see what we could do for the others that surround us. There is something special about this Keeter-Kent clan and I believe that God is up to something big and has a pretty impacting Kingdom Assignment in store for us!

Speaking of Thanksgiving, we will be going to meet with Aden's side of the family for Thanksgiving 2006. We have not been able to spend an actual holiday with his family the past two years. Scott and Kristin and the girls will be joining us for a meal as well. I feel truly blessed to share such a wonderful family. And I feel even more blessed that I have been able to keep perspective on what it means to be given this family as well. This year has been full of miniature acts of kindness that have been impossible to forget. I have seemingly grown closer to each of you and it has been such a joy and honor each step of the way.

Please, this Thanksgiving, enjoy your holiday time off, enjoy your friends and family. I pray that we all remember what we are thankful for and as we indulge in delicious and bountiful meals together, remember that 2 Corinthians 4:15 reminds us "All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God." Let us all be an example, wherever we may travel, whomever comes on to our path. We are truly blessed!

I will continue to pray that we all will be a Godly family as described in Acts 10:2: "He and all his family were devout and God-fearing; he gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly." and Galations 6:10: "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." He has given us such a promise and I cannot wait to accept his command: "For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?" 1 Peter 4:17.

May God continue to use this family and bless it as well. The weather is getting colder, but I am excited to be a part of this warm and endearing family.

Warm wishes to you all~